Just finished Christopher Hodapp's book "Solomon's Builders". It makes me want to go back to DC again and take a second look. I also really like his jabs at the Masonic conspiracy/New World Order idiots.
http://www.amazon.com/Solomons-Builders-Freemasons-Founding-Washington/dp/1569755795/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239551015&sr=8-1(though, I could have done a bit better on the cover art Chris.... next time?)
A fun read.
Glad you enjoyed it, Ted.
I've discovered something the hard way about publishers. When they say, "Do you have any ideas for the cover?" they really mean "Can YOU do the cover?" If you send them anything other than a pencil sketch, they'll put your mockup on 8,000 copies, without fixing anything. And the only thing their art department gets involved in is type selection.
I hear you, I was only half pulling your leg. Want any help next time, just shout
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